Friday, May 9, 2014

To My Wife Elvira On Mother's Day

Mother's Day has always
been my favorite day of the year.
I get the opportunity once again to give
praise to that which I hold so dear.

I am thankful that God saw in his
infinite wisdom to bring us together.
You have been patient through the
good times and stormy weather.

Through your eyes, I came to see
the true meaning of friendship and love.
It was because of the goodness of your heart,
that I was transformed into a Dove.

Even though Mother's Day comes once
a year by a calendar that is man made.
I know that you are a Mother all year long,
and that is why I give you praise.

Forever Loving You,
Your Loving Husband

Poetic Verses  By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003